How to Create Your 2022 Marketing Game Plan

2021 was “the worst year” for the abortion industry, according to Planned Parenthood’s research arm, the Guttmacher Institute. Along with the passing of the Texas Heartbeat Bill and the Supreme Court hearing of the Dobbs v. Jackson case, things are looking pretty bleak for the abortion industry.

With the Supreme Court potentially overturning Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, we know Planned Parenthood is busier than ever trying to stop legal changes, as well as prepare for what they think could be disastrous for their organization. The pro-abortion federal government is doing what they can too, with the FDA approving mail-order abortion permanently. This is harmful to women on every level, but we know pregnancy centers can make a life-saving impact regardless of this change.

Combating Planned Parenthood’s Goals

It’s not difficult to name Planned Parenthood’s goals because they make their desires clear through their public marketing and communication. 

We’ve boiled down their strategy into four main goals:

  1. Attract new clients and sell services.
  2. Become a thought leader on all things sexual in the eyes of the youngest generation.
  3. Increase abortion access across the U.S. and internationally.
  4. Destigmatize abortion and sexual topics.

In order to have a successful game plan to compete with the local Planned Parenthood in your community, centers must anticipate Planned Parenthood’s goals, create strategies to combat their goals, and then execute on those strategies.

Here’s a breakdown of the four goals and the strategies your pregnancy center can implement to create your 2022 game plan for Planned Parenthood.

Goal #1: Attract New Clients and Sell Services

This goal is shared between Planned Parenthood, abortion clinics, and pregnancy centers. You’re all competing for the same pool of women. Granted, pregnancy centers will attract more happy-to-carry women in need of support, but generally speaking, the demographics and unexpected circumstances are similar.

How to Combat this Goal: A Strategic Marketing Plan

Pregnancy centers’ number one competitive advantage over Planned Parenthood is no-cost services, especially ultrasounds and STD testing and treatment. Even if you have a non-medical center, you should have a strong referral network with no-cost services as well.

A strategic marketing plan will emphasize your number one competitive advantage with compelling messaging to reach women in unexpected pregnancy situations. To really be effective, integrating a professional website with search engine optimization (SEO) and connected social media channels will create an excellent “business card” for women checking out your organization. Coupled with advertising and a presence on multiple platforms, women will not only know about your center, but will also be compelled to schedule no-cost appointments.

Pro Tip: Make it as easy as possible for women to schedule an appointment! Online schedulers are a game-changer for helping women choose a time that works best for their schedule without even dialing a number.

Goal #2: Become a Thought Leader on All Things Sexual in the Eyes of the Youngest Generation

If you visit Planned Parenthood’s social media, you’ll see all kinds of things that would have once been regarded as “too much information.” They go places society hasn’t dared to go before in terms of public messaging. The boldness and designs appeal to the younger generation, and they are working to become thought leaders under the guise of empowerment and progress.

How to Combat this Goal: Positioning in Your Community

While individual pregnancy centers don’t have the funds and resources to compete with Planned Parenthood’s massive national campaigns, they can focus on community positioning. Your center can become top-of-mind in your own community through marketing and community involvement.

Raise awareness of your center through local advertising, health fairs, sponsorships, and partnerships with local colleges and high schools. Focus on delivering a five-star client experience, and encourage online reviews.

Get creative! Can you sponsor a community event? Can you appear on a billboard at a main intersection? Become known and respected by the youngest generation in your community.

Pro Tip: Create a Google My Business (GBP) profile and post within your GBP profile about your services regularly to improve your online visibility!

Goal #3: Increase Abortion Access Across the U.S. and Internationally

As Planned Parenthood continues to be active in the political landscape here and across the ocean, we can play a role in creating change too, even if on an individual level.

How to Combat this Goal: Be Proactive

The most powerful thing you can do is pray! Create a pro-life prayer ministry, ask others to pray for the sanctity of life in your area and across the globe. God hears us!

Second to prayer, make sure to get out and vote for pro-life leaders. Consider inviting pro-life leaders to your fundraising banquets and give them visibility among your donors.

Third, stay up-to-date on local legal changes and be ready to serve more women if abortion becomes more restricted in your state. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, twenty-six states are likely to change their laws to further restrict abortion. Pregnancy centers will be more critical than ever and will need to respond quickly to serve local women.

Goal #4: Destigmatize Abortion and Sexual Topics

We addressed Planned Parenthood’s vulgarity earlier, as they work to become a thought leader for the younger generation. Additionally, as they try to destigmatize abortion and sexual topics, it’s imperative that pregnancy centers don’t completely shy away from addressing current topics because women need to know the facts.

How to Combat this Goal: Professional Messaging

While Planned Parenthood continues to push “safe abortion,” tell women the truth using a professional, caring, and neutral tone. Abortion does come with risks, and it’s not fair or helpful to women to hide the truth. We need voices on the other side to cut through propaganda and share facts from credible medical sources.

Also, it’s okay to address a variety of sexual topics when done from a medical perspective. Talking about sexual health adds credibility to your center by showing women that you’re not afraid to talk about the issues and you have expertise and knowledge to share.

How Is Your 2022 Game Plan for Planned Parenthood Coming Along?

If you’re crafting your center’s 2022 strategic marketing plan, or even looking at your current strategy for improvements, we can help you. We have experts on the Choose Life Marketing team ready and able to help you successfully compete with the Planned Parenthood or other abortion clinics in your community to reach more women and save more unborn lives.

Reach out to us at, on our website, or even by calling 573-445-9295 to find out more about our services and how we can take your pregnancy center’s marketing to the next level.

Reach her.


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