Pro-Life Marketing Ethics

At Choose Life, we understand the importance of ethical standards in marketing, especially in our movement.  Our agency was founded with a heart to reach the abortion-minded woman with transparency and integrity using communication built on a foundation of truth.

Since we started this ministry in 2016, we have relied heavily on data and research both from our movement and the advertising industry in general to develop the most effective advertising for pregnancy centers in the nation.

We remain the most effective agency while using only ethical advertising.  Our ads, landing pages and website content do not proport to convey that our clients are abortion clinics, and in fact, contain clear disclaimers that our clients do not refer for or perform abortions.  Our ads are not deceptive or misleading and our content does not utilize misinformation or disinformation.

Our Standards

Our advertising follows a set of moral principles that guide our clients’ promotional activities:

  • Honesty
    Our advertising contains no misleading or deceptive information.  The content of advertising is truthful and verifiably accurate.  We do not condone or accept any advertising that would deceive an abortion-minded woman.
  • Accuracy
    We ensure that all facts, data and other information included in our ads, landing pages, content and copywriting are verifiably accurate.
  • Consumer Protection
    As a HIPAA-compliant agency, we ensure that all information collected from our ads, landing pages, website or other means is encrypted and sent only to our client across secure channels.  We do not sell or otherwise make this information available to any party other than the client for which it was intended.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about the ethical standard to which we hold ourselves, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Reach her.


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