Your Guide to Instagram & Facebook Highlights and Stories

Your Guide to Instagram & Facebook Highlights and Stories

We’re diving into the world of Instagram and Facebook marketing to shed light on two powerful features: Stories and Highlights. Whether you’re new to the social media landscape or seeking ways to elevate your center’s online presence, understanding the functions and benefits of Stories and Highlights is key. These features are not just trendy additions; … Continued

Back to Basics: Social Media

Back to Basics: Social Media

Do you ever feel like the best-kept secret? Do you wish more women would know you are there – ready and willing to help? No matter your mission, social media can drive your success. Think about the businesses, personalities, and brands you know and love—they likely have some form of social media that gives you … Continued

The Why Behind Social Media, and Best Practices

The Why Behind Social Media, and Best Practices

Social media matters when it comes to improving your online visibility, community awareness, and reputation. Every pregnancy center or clinic should have client social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook and post regularly to them. Why Does Social Media Matter? Before we talk about how to get started on social media, here are just five … Continued

Digital Marketing: How Do I Know If It’s Working?

Digital Marketing: How Do I Know If It’s Working?

At some point, we all ask this question about our marketing: Is it working?  According to SocialBoosting digital marketing involves investing time and money, and pregnancy centers want to ensure each dollar is being spent in the most impactful way possible. This FREE guide shares key indicators of success across a variety of digital marketing … Continued

Don’t Ignore the Top of Your Marketing Funnel

Don’t Ignore the Top of Your Marketing Funnel

Coming up with a marketing plan for your pregnancy center can seem overwhelming, but when you break it down into practical steps, it has a way of becoming easier to understand and create as you make a plan. A marketing funnel consists of three different stages: awareness, consideration, and conversion. All stages are needed to … Continued

Top Social Media Trends for Pregnancy Centers in 2021

Top Social Media Trends for Pregnancy Centers in 2021

Social media has been evolving since its widespread adoption in the early 2000’s. However, between Coronavirus isolation, the election, and the rise in social justice issues, the influence and impact of social media has grown faster than ever before. Statista reports 32% of people in the U.S. are spending more time on social media, as … Continued

A Guide to Navigating Censorship in 2021

A Guide to Navigating Censorship in 2021

We are living in unprecedented times. Pandemic aside, who would have thought our first amendment right to free speech would be challenged in 2021? Let’s discuss everything you need to know about the current state of internet ads and censorship.  Despite our constitutional rights, Big Tech has become powerful with 63% of U.S. citizens over … Continued

5 Effective Tactics for Your Donor Social Media

5 Effective Tactics for Your Donor Social Media

We talk a lot about having separate marketing platforms for your clients and donors. This allows you to share targeted, specific information with your two very different audiences without confusing one or losing the other.   In this guide, we will share about five tactics you can use for your donor social media platforms to … Continued

Top Three Tips for Your Fall Marketing Campaigns

Top Three Tips for Your Fall Marketing Campaigns

How is your center doing reaching abortion minded women? Are you making sure you are present in their digital space? Gen Z lives on their phones – they have never known life without smartphone technology. It’s where they go for everything – music, information, services and help. Often we are asked what is the most … Continued

Pivoting After COVID-19 for Increased Donor Engagement

Pivoting After COVID-19 for Increased Donor Engagement

I’m sure you are looking forward to getting back to normal. All of us are wondering what “normal” will look like. We long for the days before the pandemic, social distancing, and the challenge of finding toilet paper, sanitizer, and the masks you needed to meet with your clients.    At the same time, we … Continued

Utilizing Instagram to Reach Abortion-Minded Women

Utilizing Instagram to Reach Abortion-Minded Women

Owned by Facebook, Instagram is a popular photo-sharing social media platform that started in 2010.  It has grown in popularity over time, making it the preferred social media platform by 85% of teens, followed closely by Snapchat.  In addition, 75% of 18-24-year-olds and 57% of 25-29-year-olds actively use Instagram. Sound like your target audience? We … Continued

Hitting REFRESH on Your Social Media to Reach Abortion-Minded Women

Hitting REFRESH on Your Social Media to Reach Abortion-Minded Women

To help raise awareness for your center and reach more women considering abortion, you’ve likely set up your Facebook page several years ago and have been posting on and off ever since. We commend you! You’ve made an investment in your marketing strategy and increased your opportunities for visibility. However, If you haven’t changed your … Continued