Social Media Marketing

Missouri Right to Life is an organization committed to educating, legislating, and activating citizens for life. With the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the organization’s work became increasingly urgent.

They partnered with Choose Life Marketing to accomplish two major goals:

  • Build awareness for the life issue across Missouri and nationally among all age groups.
  • Grow their donor base, members, and chapters to increase their impact and boost community engagement

Partnering with Choose Life Marketing to Reach Missourians 

When Missouri Right to Life partnered with Choose Life Marketing, they knew they could up their social media game. After all, many younger Missourians spend a substantial amount of time on Facebook and Instagram.

Choose Life introduced a unique content strategy for each of Missouri Right to Life’s three social media accounts, each serving a unique category: General, State PAC, and the Education Fund.

Each Facebook account received Tier 2 social media management services, which include regular posts, videos, and ads, as well as hands-on management and reporting.

Social Media Results

In partnership with Choose Life Marketing, Missouri Right to Life achieved both of their goals. They built awareness by reaching hundreds of thousands of Facebook users and grew their donor base by increasing likes of their General Facebook account by 9%.

From September 2022 to November 2023, here are the specific results Missouri Right to Life achieved with their CLM services.


  • 3,621 Facebook Likes, which equals about a 9% increase overall
  • 22,360 Facebook Audience Engagements
  • This account reached 315,000 Facebook users.
  • The General Facebook ads achieved a high click-through rate of 6.77%.
  • The ads reached 63,402 users and received 17,837 clicks.
  • Overall, the ads were seen 263,000 times.

State PAC 

  • 2,046 Facebook Likes
  • This account reached 81,657 Facebook users.
  • The State PAC Facebook ads reached 43,835 users and received 129 clicks.
  • Overall, the ads were seen 43,8435 times.

Education Fund (to Educate the Younger Generations)

  • 133 Facebook Likes
  • 2,777 Facebook Audience Engagements
  • This account reached 89,752 Facebook users.
  • The Education Fund ads achieved a 1.72% click-through rate.
  • The ads were seen 114,000 times and clicked on 1,956 times.

Missouri Right to Life is pleased with its results and ongoing partnership with Choose Life Marketing as we work together to reach Missourians in key locations and beyond.

Every month of ongoing social media management leads to greater reach and more impressions, clicks, engagements, and awareness. The results speak for themselves.

Success Beyond Missouri

Are you hoping to reach more voters in your area? Do you want to engage younger generations on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Snapchat, or other platforms?

Choose Life Marketing’s results are not specific to Missouri. CLM can achieve excellent results for your organization, regardless of whether your state is red, blue, or purple.

Contact us today for more information on our services, including social media advertising, paid search, websites, and more!

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