What Jesus Said About Love

February is the month of love. We often think about how much we love our spouses, our kids, our family or friends during this time. But we tend to forget about our love for Jesus and His love for us. Part of our Christian duty is to show God’s love to others – in all aspects of our lives. Part of being human is falling short of that duty. And that’s okay, but let’s get better! This month, be intentional with your connections with others and your relationship with Him. Have you thought of Valentine’s Day cookies shipped to your loved ones during this holiday? This is one of the best ways to let your significant other know how much you love them on Valentine’s Day!

Here are 5 verses that will help you reflect on how He loves us.

John 3:16

john 3:16In this verse, John reminds us that we are called to love God. Why? (As if we need another reason!) Because He sent His only son on a rescue mission to a sin-filled, broken world to save us from ourselves. This verse is a constant reminder that our actions here on earth have an eternal impact. God wants us to do His work so we have the chance to spend eternity with Him. So, whenever you are feeling hopeless and fed up with what’s happening in our world, remember that by doing acts of love and preaching the Word, you will be rewarded when you return home to Him.


1 Corinthians 13:13

 1 Corinthians 13:13Ever heard the saying “love conquers all?” Well, 1 Corinthians 13:13 validates that statement! Without His love, where would we be? We have faith and hope because we know that Jesus loves us more than we can fathom. This is something that, in an ever-changing world, will always remain constant. People are born and then die, buildings are built and then torn down, leaders of the nation come and go… our lives are in a constant state of change. But the one stable thing that will withstand the test of time is Jesus’ love for us.


Psalm 31:24

Psalm 31:24

Have you ever been timid about admitting your Christianity? It seems like in today’s culture, being a person of faith becomes harder and harder to disclose. It’s almost as if we’re branded with a scarlet letter “C,” which makes us vulnerable to this often cruel, judgmental world. Here’s where we need to be reminded that we are courageous! We are Christ-warriors! It takes a great deal of courage to stand up for what you believe in and to love those who are often hard to love, but don’t let that scare you. The Lord has made you to love and be loved. And remember, LOVE is an action, not an emotion. Show this world and the people in it the love they deserve every day. 


Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 3:5-6

Just like any relationship, a loving commitment involves trust. The same goes with your relationship with the Lord. There will be times when you rely blindly on faith alone. Unfortunately, you may not always understand God’s plan, but that’s when you must place the most trust in Him. Without trust, there cannot be true love and devotion.

We also need to put our egos aside – hey, we’re human! We don’t know everything (even when sometimes we think we do). Relying on our own understanding and knowledge of the world could be detrimental to our relationship with God and with others. We must lean on God’s love and let him use us as a vessel of His love to look past the flaws of others and conquer the bumps in the road of your journey. Do this, and the roadblocks you face will seem much smaller in comparison.


Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:11

How cool is it that we have an Almighty cheerleader?! One who knows our heart’s deepest intentions! Jesus loves us SO much that he put us here on this earth with the tools to succeed. Through Him, we can do anything.

God gave us the free will to do as we please on earth, but gave us His love to influence our actions. As we said earlier, love is a verb! If you do one thing right during your time on this earth, love others unconditionally… every step of your journey. Let others join in on your successes and be intentional in seeing Jesus in each person you interact with. Only then will you truly prosper.


How will you show love to others? More importantly, how will you show your love to Christ? At Choose Life Marketing, our team works tirelessly, doing His work to save the lives of the unborn. Learn more about our mission and join us in being a voice for the voiceless.

Reach her.


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