How to Talk to Your Board About a Rebrand

Talking to your board about a rebrand can be challenging. After all, you could be proposing a name change that’s been around since the eighties. It was likely a name choice made in prayer by those who first cast the vision for your center. There could be tons of time and resources invested in this name. And, likely it’s how all of your donors have known your organization for decades.

We understand the concerns, but here’s the truth: your name matters. Rebranding could be necessary for reaching more abortion-minded women and saving more lives. In this marketing guide, we’ll share key strategies for talking to your board about rebranding your pregnancy. This is a critical conversation, so having all the tools in your toolbelt can help you prepare.

1. Cast the Vision of the Rebrand

Start with the “why” by painting a picture of the importance of your center’s rebranded name. Perhaps you take them through the process of how an abortion-minded woman schedules an appointment. Here’s an example of what you could say:

She’s tossing and turning at night and decides to Google “pregnancy tests near me.” She sees our center’s name appear in her search results. She needs our services, but she declines to schedule because our center’s name has triggered fear of judgment. Or, maybe she thinks the name doesn’t sound professional enough. She would prefer to drive a little farther to go to the medical clinic than to visit the crisis pregnancy center down the road.

Once you cast the vision, reiterate that while your name will change, your mission will not. In fact, a new name will help you better accomplish your mission by making your center more appealing to abortion-minded women. If your name is a barrier, you won’t be able to serve as many women. Throughout the presentation, continue to filter your points through the eyes of an abortion-minded woman. This is a powerful messaging strategy that will remind your board members of the reason your center exists in the first place. Remember that you are not appealing to someone over 40 who is already pro-life. You are trying to reach Gen Z females. They are a much different demographic.

2. Share the Branding Statistics

It’s easy to argue with opinions, but it’s hard to argue with statistics.

Here are a few stats about why branding matters:

Abortion-minded women will make a subconscious judgment about your pregnancy center simply based on your name, logo, website, etc. You want to evoke positive emotions and attract women to your center. So, what are these women looking for?

According to Charlotte Lozier Institute’s “Turning Hearts Toward Life II” Market Research, there are a few key considerations to make when rebranding. When testing an array of names, they found that both women and men were attracted to professional-sounding names. They also responded positively to names expressing “love” and “care” and negatively to “crisis” and “Crisis Pregnancy Center.”

Additionally, Charlotte Lozier Institute found that name preference for pro-choice and pro-life respondents varied significantly. This means your name can attract different demographics right off the bat. While “Hope Pregnancy Clinic” had more favorability with pro-life respondents, CLI found that “Women’s Pregnancy Help Center” had the most strategic value because it attracted both pro-life and pro-choice segments.

Another conclusion to draw from this data is that using words like babies, mothers, and heartbeat in your center’s name can be a turnoff, along with other religious and pro-life words. When abortion-minded women see these words in your branding, they can begin to expect judgment of their intended choice, instead of a neutral, professional, and caring experience.

Sharing statistics like these can strengthen your case for a rebrand and help get buy-in from your board members. Make sure to do your research and gather what you need before you give your proposal.

3. Gain Insights and Stories from Current Clients

Statistics are so valuable and helpful, but they become even stronger when combined with real life stories. Ask client-aged women you know about their thoughts and feelings on your current brand name. What does your name bring to mind? What initial judgments might they make from your brand, logo, or website?

Ask current clients for their opinions. What did you think about our center’s name? They could have an interesting insight to share from their own personal experience. Maybe, for instance, they thought your center was a diaper provider and only found out you offered other services from a friend. Maybe, they thought you were a daycare until they visited your website. It’s good to ask the question.

These stories can be eye-opening for both you and your board. Remember, the times are changing. What worked yesterday might not work the same today. Asking clients and other Gen-Z women for their viewpoints can shed light on this.

4. Know the Makeup of Your Board

Who’s on your board? If you’re a new center director this question might require a little digging. You might know names, faces, and general personalities, but really dive deep here.

Think about each one individually. What motivates them? Are they moved by personal stories? Are they wired for statistics? Are they afraid of change? Anticipate their questions, and try to understand them well.

You want to show that you care and know where they’re coming from, and you also want to best communicate where you’re coming from as you advocate for those you have not yet reached. It takes building trust, understanding, and influence with your board for them to say “yes” to a monumental change like a rebrand.

5. Anticipate and Alleviate Concerns

Once you’ve really investigated the makeup of your board, try to guess their objections.

Is one board member especially nervous this rebrand will concern donors and cost valuable donations? Does one board member think rebranding will cost too much? Does another board member dislike change and personally like your current name?

Brainstorm the objections and problem solve to answer each one.

One of the solutions we propose to centers facing board resistance is to keep your current center name for your donor-facing marketing and materials, while rebranding your client-facing marketing and materials. It’s okay to have two sides to your ministry. Just like Procter & Gamble owns both Luvs and Pampers diaper brands, you can have multiple brands as well.

Finally, You Can Do This.

It’s daunting to present a massive change like a rebrand to your board, but it’s well-worth the risk. By casting a vision and sharing key stats, stories, and solutions, you can successfully win their stamp of approval.

What’s Next?

After you gain approval to begin a rebrand, reach out to Choose Life Marketing. We can help with all of your rebrand needs from crafting a new name and logo, to redesigning your website. We’ll help you position your pregnancy center as a destination for women facing unexpected pregnancies.

Contact us or call us at 573-445-9295 to get started.

Reach her.


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