Top 7 Resources for Pregnancy Centers

As a local pregnancy center, you are gifted at gifting others. It’s part of your mission as you serve women in need.

But don’t forget that your pregnancy center needs resources, too! In order to keep moving forward and keep up with the growing needs of women, you must seek ways to develop your center’s client processes, gain more donors, and reach more clients. The resources below will help you succeed.

Our Top Seven Resources for Pregnancy Centers:

1. Choose Life Marketing’s Free Marketing Materials

Did you know you have access to free marketing materials on our website? We want to be a resource for your center to help you reach more clients and donors.

Sign up to receive our weekly marketing eBlasts, join us for our monthly marketing webinar, and find additional marketing resources on our website covering every marketing tactic you can imagine. As a full-service agency with many subject matter experts, we offer a full scope of marketing ideas for your center.

To decide our guide topics, we look at the marketing landscape and recent questions centers have been asking us. We stay on top of current events and any recent marketing updates or trends. We will continue to deliver fresh content to you on a regular basis. Reach out to us if you have questions or interest in a particular marketing topic not listed on our website, and we may cover it in future guides. All of these are provided for free because it’s our passion to help you grow in your mission to serve abortion-minded women.

2. CallRail: Know How Women Find You and Text Them

Knowing where and how women (or donors) are finding you will help you know what’s working and what’s not. CallRail is software that helps your pregnancy center track how women find your phone number. It takes the mystery out of which ads, campaigns, and even billboards are working. If you can put a phone number on something, you can track it with CallRail.

Additionally, CallRail has a mobile app for iPhone and Android to send and receive text messages from any of your tracking numbers. You and your staff can text from this app on your phone or computer. This means you can be extremely responsive to women reaching out to you for help. If you are an abortion pill reversal provider, having fast access to client communication is critical for saving lives.

Note: Choose Life Marketing uses a version of CallRail that is HIPAA compliant, so centers can have peace of mind about confidentiality when communicating with women.

Other CallRail features include: knowing when someone calls, knowing the keyword they used to find you, having access to the contact’s name, number, and location with every call, and keeping a record of your calls, texts, and form submissions. On their platform, you have loads of information and insights at your fingertips to help you market smarter.

3. SperaVita Institute: Improve Your Center’s Effectiveness

Are you reaching the abortion-minded woman? Using the Focus Method, SperaVita specializes in boosting pregnancy centers’ effectiveness through their client processes. They offer training that begins with answering that first phone call, to increasing the number of women who show for appointments, and evaluating your overall approach to client care. Using a scripted method, centers can reach those with the highest risk for abortion—helping them make a choice for life.

Focus Method Training

The Focus Method is a linear, 15-step patient process designed to increase the number of abortion-minded women choosing life and help you track and measure your center’s success rates to continually improve your processes.

This comprehensive training features three modules: executive training, patient resource training, and medical services training.

Telehealth Training

SperaVita now offers an online course for Focus-trained centers in telehealth. COVID changed how patients receive healthcare and perform abortion. As the FDA allowed for abortion pills sent through the mail, many states began to offer telehealth abortion services. SperaVita is preparing pregnancy centers to offer telehealth as well.

Contact SperaVita for more information.

4. Fundraising Consulting & Software to Maximize Donations

Fundraising consulting is a service that pays for itself. If your center has a challenging time raising funds, or knows there’s more fundraising potential out there, this is an excellent tool to use.

Choose Life Marketing’s Fundraising Services

Our pro-life fundraising services can take your fundraising campaigns to the next level. A lot of times, pregnancy centers are leaving money on the table. Perhaps you feel your goal is too lofty or you don’t know where to start. We can help.

We offer the following services:
Major Gift Annual Campaign Consulting
Capital Campaign Planning and Management
Special Event Consulting
Grant Research and Writing
Donor List Audit and Assessment
Segmented Donor Email Campaigns
Donor Facebook Campaigns

If you need funds, we have experts ready to help you raise them. What’s your goal? Are you aiming high enough? We can meet and exceed your goal together.

The Savage Group’s Consulting Services

The Savage Group provides professional guidance on running your nonprofit organization smoothly and effectively. John Savage, the founder of The Savage Group, can work with your pregnancy center to build healthy systems and donor relations that will improve donor engagement and enhance your ROI.

The Savage Group provides consulting around capital campaigns, planned giving, and raising annual funds. From evaluating if your campaigns are feasible to building your donor pyramid, he can help your center develop a plan so that you have sufficient resources to carry out your mission.


Event management software like FundEasy can make your fundraising efforts a whole lot easier. Whether you need help with your annual banquet or Walk for Life, the FundEasy software is simple to use for both your staff and donors. It offers support with registration management, event organization, and communication. It saves you time so you can focus on other aspects of your special events.

Definitely check this out if you find yourself stuck in the manual rut of multiple spreadsheets, post-it notes, registration processes, and overwhelming details. Their registration management software and online peer-to-peer fundraising tools will change your life and help you have a more successful fundraising event!

5. Choose Life Marketing Social Media Training: To Engage More Gen Z Women

In addition to our comprehensive social media services, we also offer social media training for those who desire to manage their social media on their own. This is an excellent option for centers who want to learn how to run their Instagram and Facebook pages effectively in-house. From organic messaging strategy through design and videos, this two-hour private training with our social media strategists covers the how to’s, including an advertising portion for you to learn to run ads and boost posts to increase your followers.

If you want more brand awareness and engagement among your target demographic, social media is your best bet—especially when combined with paid advertising, a relevant website, and strong SEO.

6. Choose Life Promo Videos: Capture Client and Donor Attention

Gen Z prefers to consume their content through video. Video is the top form of content as it captures your audience’s attention as they scroll for hours each day.

For your donors, video is an effective way to connect and update them, inviting them to partner with you through powerful storytelling.

Choose Life Marketing offers a variety of videos on our Choose Life Promo website for you to post to your center’s social media channels, use in eBlasts, and add to your websites. We will personalize them with your information to help you increase client engagement and supporter donations. Whether you want to show your heart to your donors or share information about your services, video is a highly effective and entertaining way to do this.

Let us handle your video needs so you can do what you do best! Check out our videos and video bundle options. We also have custom video services for those who need personalized videos for events and fundraising campaigns.

7. Major Partner Organizations: For Support, Information, and Training

There are many organizations with missions that focus on supporting pregnancy centers. If you aren’t already affiliated or involved with a few of them, affiliation or involvement could be a beneficial and strategic option for your center.

Heartbeat International

Heartbeat International serves over 3,000 affiliate locations on all six inhabited continents. They provide resources for both affiliate and non-affiliate centers. In addition, with their Pregnancy Help Podcast and Pregnancy Help News, you can stay informed on pressing current events.

Heartbeat International also provides in-person and online training, conferences, and more. When feeling like you need additional support in any area of running your pregnancy center, reach out to Heartbeat International.

Care Net

Care Net serves over 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers in North America. They are a Christ-centered organization who come alongside pregnancy centers to help serve communities with compassion, hope, and help.

They offer essential online training for pregnancy centers for all roles at pregnancy centers, including: leaders, board members, staff and volunteers. They also provide a number of free resources and online courses.

National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA)

For over 25 years, NIFLA has provided legal protection to pregnancy centers that empower abortion-vulnerable women and families to choose life for their unborn children. Partnering with them is especially vital now with how heated the abortion conversation has become in our country.

In addition to legal counsel, they also provide education and training. Through The Life Choice Project (TLC), NIFLA can walk pregnancy centers through the difficult steps of medical clinic conversion. NIFLA’s Institute in Limited Obstetric Ultrasound trains pregnancy centers to become competent in limited obstetric ultrasound to help save more lives from abortion.

If your center is considering going medical, reaching out to NIFLA is a great starting point.

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. A significant part of this mission is supporting pregnancy centers through providing grants and educational resources.

Option Ultrasound Program

Focus on the Family’s Option Ultrasound Program provides comprehensive grant packages to cover 80% of the cost of an ultrasound machine or sonography training for your medical personnel to centers who meet their requirements.

To qualify for an Option Ultrasound grant, your center must be located in a community with a high abortion rate and seeking to reach abortion-minded women. If this applies to your center and you’re ready to go medical and begin offering ultrasounds, see their other eligibility requirements on their website.

Benevolent Resources Program

Every year, Focus on the Family sends out over 600,000 educational booklets on average to pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. These are meant to counsel and inform those facing an unexpected pregnancy. These booklets are medically accurate, life-affirming, and available in both English and Spanish.

Visit their website to see if you qualify and apply to receive $500 in resources per calendar year, or $500 per location or mobile unit.

ICU Mobile

If you want to serve more women outside of your brick and mortar location, you can go to them with a mobile unit. Has your center considered this option?

ICU Mobile is a national pro-life organization supporting a fleet of mobile medical units across the country that provide women with free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. If your center is ready to go mobile, consider becoming an affiliate.

They will provide you with fundraising support, operations and clinical training, site selection and optimization, mobile medical compliance and licensure, coaching, and membership in a national mobile medical community. ICU Mobile’s affiliates make up one of the largest fleets of mobile medical clinics in the United States.

Choose Life Marketing as a Resource

In addition to the free resources Choose Life Marketing makes available to your pregnancy center, if you need additional marketing support, we are here for you!

Our full service pro-life marketing agency was created specifically to help pregnancy centers reach her—the abortion-minded woman. Whether you need a fresh website, rebranding and a new logo, or assistance managing your Google ads, SEO, and social media, we can help with that and so much more. Our marketing services are personalized and rooted in data, enabling you to reach and serve more women in your community.

Speak with a representative today!

Reach her.


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