Back to the Basics: Google

Google is by far the most powerful search engine online today. With the right strategy and content, Google’s marketing tools can help you reach abortion-minded women in ways you couldn’t even imagine. In this guide, we take you back to the basics of Google, update you on current trends, and provide ways to use Google … Continued

Paid Search Strategies Post Roe

Paid Search Strategies Post Roe

Whether your pregnancy center has been using paid search for years, or you feel a little nervous at the thought of navigating Google ads for the first time, now is your moment. As the legal landscape changes, take a fresh look at how to maximize your ad budget and life-changing impact! Download our free guide … Continued

Digital Marketing – How Do I Know If It’s Working?

Digital Marketing – How Do I Know If It’s Working?

We understand how critical it is for your center to get your digital marketing right. You have a limited budget, and you need to make each cent count towards reaching abortion-minded women. Find out if your marketing is working by measuring success across a variety of digital marketing methods. When you effectively execute and track … Continued

Reach Women Before They Reach Out for the Abortion Pill Online!

Reach Women Before They Reach Out for the Abortion Pill Online!

It’s easier, now more than ever, to buy the abortion pill online. The FDA recently announced a policy change due to Covid that allows women using telemedicine to order abortion pills through the mail instead of being required to visit a doctor’s office or clinic. This policy change is so dangerous to women’s health, as … Continued

Is Your Center Playing by Google’s Rules?

Is Your Center Playing by Google’s Rules?

Are you not showing up on Google but feel like you have great content? Playing by Google’s rules and making minor adjustments to your content could bring you to the forefront of this search engine. The ever-changing Google algorithms and protocols for marketers have created stricter requirements to stay at the top. There is a … Continued

New Year, New Her: Reaching the Abortion-Minded Woman in 2021

New Year, New Her: Reaching the Abortion-Minded Woman in 2021

You made it through 2020! As we all breathe a sigh of relief, we also recognize many of the challenges we faced in 2020 will follow us into 2021. But, a new date on the calendar can bring inspiration and hope even though circumstances haven’t changed much. As you embrace 2021 for all it will … Continued

The Case for Including Abortion Terms in Your Center’s Advertising

The Case for Including Abortion Terms in Your Center’s Advertising

Pregnancy centers work day in and day out to empower women to choose life, so why mention abortion in advertising? The pros of mentioning abortion in advertising far outweigh the cons. Our FREE guide addresses the questions pregnancy centers often ask us about using abortion keywords in marketing and covers the top reasons to include … Continued

What is the Google Knowledge Vault?

What is the Google Knowledge Vault?

For the past several years, Google has been working on building a knowledge vault to store knowledge about … everything. Albert Einstein. How airplanes work. Ingredients for dairy free ice cream. Google’s goal is to create a ‘machine system’ that has the whole of human knowledge stored in one place. This will make Google search … Continued

Effective Tactics to Help Your Center See More Abortion-Minded Women

While every marketing tactic your center employs should engage abortion-minded women, some tactics specialize in giving them a final push to make an appointment. Incorporating tactics that focus on getting women to make appointments optimizes that number of women you are able to reach through all of your efforts. 

Back To School: How Your Center Can Reach More Students

High School and college students are crucial audiences to engage. While these students might not be in your target demographic or need your services now, as they age they may become future clients. It is important to speak with them now so that they can start building a relationship with your center. As they get … Continued

What We Have Learned Since Google’s New Policy Change

In June, Google updated its ad policy regarding abortion-related keywords and added a certification process. Since the update, we have been closely monitoring the effect this has had on continuing to reach abortion-minded women.

Boost Your Center’s Performance with Awareness & Conversion Tactics

Are you adjusting your strategy when you are seeking conversions vs. awareness? If you are not, then you are not optimizing your campaigns to gain the best results. This week we cover the different ways you can adjust your strategies to see better results when you focus on a singular goal.