Whispers of Hope for the Unborn

Whispers of Hope for the Unborn

For the first time in years, the fight for the sanctity of life is gaining recognition. On Dec. 6, Ohio lawmakers passed the Heartbeat Bill, which serves to prohibit abortion as soon as fetal heartbeat can be detected—typically around 6 weeks. One week later, Ohio Governor John Kasich vetoed the bill. But there’s still hope. … Continued

I Used to Dream of a Better Life

I Used to Dream of a Better Life

My Grandmother was orphaned when she was just months old and was given to an aunt who raised her to be independent and strong.  She didn’t have any tangible luxuries, but she had the turquoise colored ocean and the cool breeze of her island.  Her aunt became sick and Grandma was designated by the elders … Continued

Care Net Confessions

Care Net Confessions

It’s been almost a week since we came back from the 2016 Care Net conference and my mind has just started to settle and digest all of the information offered.  I was clearly a young pup among some of those I met who have been charged up about the pro-life movement for longer than I … Continued

Toes Dug Deep in the Sand

Toes Dug Deep in the Sand

It’s 2016, and as I’m thinking about the excitement of Care Net and witnessing the amazingness that happens when a group of like-minded people get together for a kingdom’s mission, my heart suddenly feels heavy. What can I do to help a culture that believes abortion is okay?  Will love and non-judgement work?  What if … Continued

The Journey of Choose Life Marketing: A Message From Our President

The Journey of Choose Life Marketing: A Message From Our President

Pregnancy Help Centers make a significant difference in the lives of women facing unplanned pregnancies by providing them with options, hope and support. Choose Life Marketing was created to help further this mission by developing and offering a set of online marketing standards in order to reach and connect these women with Pregnancy Help Centers. … Continued