Mission Critical: Website Musts

Mission Critical: Website Musts

Every pregnancy center needs an up-to-date, professional, and relevant website to build credibility with clients and compete with local abortion providers. It should load in three seconds, be simple to navigate, and easily lead visitors to your appointment page.  Why is a Website Critical to Your Mission? More than any other marketing tool, your website … Continued

Top Three Tips for Your Fall Marketing Campaigns

Top Three Tips for Your Fall Marketing Campaigns

How is your center doing reaching abortion minded women? Are you making sure you are present in their digital space? Gen Z lives on their phones – they have never known life without smartphone technology. It’s where they go for everything – music, information, services and help. Often we are asked what is the most … Continued

How to Build Your Site Around a Content-First Strategy

How to Build Your Site Around a Content-First Strategy

Are you looking for ways to reach more women in need? One of the key ways to attract women to your center is to optimize your site for search engines. If you’re looking to create your first site or upgrade your center’s current website, you might want to consider a content-first strategy. It is the … Continued

Mobile-First Marketing for Pregnancy Centers

Mobile-First Marketing for Pregnancy Centers

Data from numerous pregnancy resource center websites and marketing campaigns reveals that nearly 100% of traffic is sourced from mobile phones. Women ages 15 to 29 years-old use their smartphones to search for your services. It is imperative that your center’s marketing takes a mobile-first approach in nearly every digital medium, from your website and … Continued

Top 5 Pregnancy Resource Center Marketing Myths

Top 5 Pregnancy Resource Center Marketing Myths

Navigating the World Wide Web is not an easy task. With an ever-changing digital landscape and endless flow of conversation, it’s easy to be steered in the wrong direction. That’s why the experts at Choose Life Marketing are here to show you the way. Today, we debunk five common myths that can harm your digital … Continued

Optimizing Your Center’s Site for Search Engines

Optimizing Your Center’s Site for Search Engines

What is SEO for Pregnancy Help Centers? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) might seem like an extremely obscure concept, but learning just a few of the best practices for optimizing your center’s website can make all the difference. Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the rankings of your web pages on search engine’s’ organic … Continued