Know Your Pregnancy Center’s Competition for Greater Impact

Know Your Pregnancy Center’s Competition for Greater Impact

Who is your competition? Planned Parenthood, another abortion clinic, or even another center nearby? Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your competition will help inform and refine your marketing strategy to better attract and serve abortion-minded women in your area. Knowing your competition will give your center the competitive edge against your local abortion providers … Continued

Top Social Media Trends for Pregnancy Centers in 2021

Top Social Media Trends for Pregnancy Centers in 2021

Social media has continued to evolve since its widespread adoption in the early 2000’s. But between Coronavirus isolation, the election, and the rise in social justice issues, social media has evolved more rapidly than ever before. With shutdowns and lack of in-person contact, social media has offered a way to continue community. Pregnancy centers marketing … Continued

New Year, New Her: Reaching the Abortion-Minded Woman in 2021

New Year, New Her: Reaching the Abortion-Minded Woman in 2021

You made it through 2020! As we all breathe a sigh of relief, we also recognize many of the challenges we faced in 2020 will follow us into 2021. But, a new date on the calendar can bring inspiration and hope even though circumstances haven’t changed much. As you embrace 2021 for all it will … Continued

2021 Marketing Calendar!

2021 Marketing Calendar!

Social Media is a proven marketing powerhouse for pregnancy centers across the country. From connecting to donors to engaging with abortion-minded women, social media plays an important role in your marketing strategy. One way to expand your social media reach and boost engagement is to leverage special days, national events, and holidays. Download our FREE … Continued

2020: A Year In Review

2020: A Year In Review

 It’s hard to believe we just have a couple of weeks left of 2020. As we look back on this crazy year, we notice a lot of takeaways for pregnancy centers and others in the pro-life movement. As online searches for abortions increase, marketing trends change and Big Tech algorithms threaten to censor various kinds … Continued

Your Secret Weapon Against Big Tech

Your Secret Weapon Against Big Tech

If you’ve followed the news, watched any senate committee hearings, or tried to run Google or Facebook ads lately, you’ve likely noticed an increase in censorship from Big Tech. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend, and one of the best ways to ensure abortion-minded women can still find you is through search engine … Continued

The Case for Including Abortion Terms in Your Center’s Advertising

The Case for Including Abortion Terms in Your Center’s Advertising

Pregnancy centers work day in and day out to empower women to choose life, so why mention abortion in advertising? The pros of mentioning abortion in advertising far outweigh the cons. Our FREE guide addresses the questions pregnancy centers often ask us about using abortion keywords in marketing and covers the top reasons to include … Continued

A FREE Guide to Creating Eye-Catching Visuals to Reach Abortion-Minded Women

A FREE Guide to Creating Eye-Catching Visuals to Reach Abortion-Minded Women

Gen-Z and Millennials’ lives have become intertwined with social media. On average, the two generations spend over two and a half hours on social media each day—using it as a primary source of news, entertainment, and communication with friends. What’s the catch? Users may only spend 10 seconds looking at a post before scrolling. This … Continued

Why You Need  SEO

Why You Need SEO

She thinks she needs an abortion. You have the opportunity to offer a better solution. To reach abortion-minded women in 2020, your website must be optimized with the right keywords and components to show up in her search results. Search engine optimization can strike fear in your heart because you have heard it is important … Continued

Who’s Ready for a Pop Quiz?

Who’s Ready for a Pop Quiz?

It’s easy to create your website, happily sign off on all of the content, and then never think about it again. But that isn’t a good long-term strategy if your goal is to reach abortion-minded and abortion-determined women in your community. Test your knowledge of effective websites by taking this quiz and then keep reading … Continued

Important Updates You Should Know About the Abortion Pill

Important Updates You Should Know About the Abortion Pill

You have likely been faced with the realities of the growing popularity of the abortion pill. It has been marketed to  women as a private, quick, easy fix to their situation – without consequence or sometimes even the need to share with anyone they are pregnant. Two pills and they can move on with their … Continued

Blogging Tips & Tricks to  Reach More  Abortion-Minded Women

Blogging Tips & Tricks to Reach More Abortion-Minded Women

Without a doubt, your center needs a strong digital marketing strategy in place to reach the women who need you the most. This is a reality of living in 2020, especially as federal judges and other special interest groups make it easier and easier for women to go online to get abortions very early in … Continued